Title IX
Fisk Commitment to
Addressing Sexual
澳门皇冠赌场平台致力于鼓励和维持一个没有歧视的学习和工作社区, harassment, and related misconduct. 菲斯克还致力于建立一个尊重和重视所有成员的包容性社区, including (but not limited to) undergraduate students, graduate and professional students, faculty, and staff. This policy (this “Policy” or this “Title IX Policy),旨在促进菲斯克致力于提供一个安全的学习和工作环境,促进平等, civility and respect for all. 它也旨在符合第九条的要求. 如果你觉得自己受到了不当性行为或歧视, you should seek assistance as soon as possible. Report an incident of sexual misconduct, or contact the Counseling Center and/or Campus Safety
Sexual Misconduct Policy
- CONSENTis an affirmative decision that is made knowingly, freely, 并由所有参与者共同参与一项活动. 双方明确的行动和/或言语代表双方的同意. 不能仅仅从沉默、被动或缺乏积极抵抗来推断同意. 未经双方同意的性行为和/或接触是被禁止的行为.
(i)当事一方不是自愿从事某一活动或受到胁迫, such as through the use of physical force, the threat of physical or emotional harm, undue pressure, isolation, or confinement;
(iii) When a person is sleeping , unconscious or otherwise unable to communicate an unwillingness to engage in an activity; or
目前或以前的约会或性关系不足以构成同意, 同意一种形式的性活动并不意味着同意其他形式的性活动.
Consent may be withdrawn at any time. Once withdrawn, sexual activity must cease.
一个通情达理的人的观点将是确定答辩人是否知道的基础, or reasonably should have known, 投诉人是否能够自由地给予同意,以及是否给予同意.
Be advised that under this Policy, 醉酒或丧失行为能力不能减少获得同意的责任,也不能成为被禁止行为的借口
菲斯克鼓励大学社区的所有成员向:米奇·韦斯特报告违反此政策的行为, Title IX Coordinator. 涉及不当性行为的报告可以在任何时候提出. 涉及不当性行为的报告可以保密地提交给那些在田纳西州法律下享有通信特权的专业人员,以及Fisk根据第九条指定为保密记者的人员. 这些人是:医疗服务提供者、治疗师和神职人员. Students should be aware that, with the exception of these confidential resources, 所有意识到可能属于本政策范围的行为的员工都应通知第九条协调员,并告知有关各方的姓名和报告的细节. 正在担任同伴咨询角色的学生(如住宿助理)也应与学生行为办公室分享这些报告.
As a first priority, 菲斯克鼓励所有个人向澳门皇冠赌场平台校园安全部门和/或纳什维尔大都会警察局报告可能涉及犯罪行为的禁止行为, for incidents taking place off-campus, to the appropriate local law enforcement agency. This could include sexual violence, relationship violence, stalking, and conduct that could be a hate crime. In cases of sexual misconduct involving a minor, 菲斯克社区的成员被要求向纳什维尔大都会警察局报告情况. 可以拨打615-862-8600(非紧急情况)与纳什维尔大都会警察局联系,或者在紧急情况下拨打911.
Student Counseling Center 615-329-6055; National Sexual Assault Hotline 800-656-HOPE: Sexual Assault Center of Middle Tennessee 866-811-7473; Clergy/Religious Life at Fisk 615-329-8582; Employee Assistance Program 1-800-386-7055
我们项目的目标是通过培训参与者以安全和创造性的方式进行干预,减少校园性暴力和关系暴力的发生率, rather than standing aside as passive bystanders.
If you have any questions regarding this information, 如欲了解更多详情,请与上述任何一间办事处联络:
Mickey West
Title IX Coordinator/Investigator Carnegie Hall mwest@hesaponay.net 615.329.8680 office 615.438.4942 cell
Natara K. Garvin, Ed.D
Vice President of Student Affairs
Title IX Investigator
Office of Student Affairs
615.329.8635 office
Human Resources
Department of Human Resources Suite 111 Cravath Hall Office: 615.329.8712